Sand Ceremony ... create your own or we can do it for you!
Sand Ceremonies can be created to reflect many things. Anita and Karen wrote their own for their words for their sand ceremony at the wedding. After the formal part of the ceremony, we sat on a picnic blanket and their 6 year old son poured the sand …

They chose five different colours of sand, one representing each member of the family, depicting the colours of the earth as seen from space. The pouring of the sands into the one vessel symbolised the intertwined lives of the members of this family and their intention to always love and support each other.
The blue sands of the ocean represented the couple, symbolising their love and devotion to each other, forming the foundation of the family.
The green sands, like the land, represent their two sons who were at the ceremony.
The white sands, like the clouds above, represented their child who had died.
“Like the oceans surround the land, so too will the love of these parents always surround their children. Caspian and Kipling bring life and breath to the family, just as the plants of the earth, and they have created new branches on the family tree. The love between Rafferty, his Mums and brothers is on every breath they take – always in the air.”